
CrowdsHi.NowImseeingthetimetostop.Theendisheretocome.LetitcomeLetitBe.Openadoortoclose.LetitEndLetitCome.IallWeallstop.,CrowdsWhatdoyouwantofmeWhatdoyoulongfrommeAslimPixie,thinandforlornAcount,whiteanddrawnWhatdoyoumakeofmeWhatcanyoutakefrom ...,CrowdsBackonthebusIfindawindowseatandIpraythatnoonesitsbesideme.Thebigwheelsturning,themotorroaring,thelightsdim.,Crowds作詞:WHITEASH作曲:WHITEASHf...

Crowds 歌詞Bamboo ※

Crowds Hi. Now Im seeing the time to stop. The end is here to come. Let it come Let it Be. Open a door to close. Let it End Let it Come. I all We all stop.

Crowds 歌詞Bauhaus ※

Crowds What do you want of me What do you long from me A slim Pixie, thin and forlorn A count, white and drawn What do you make of me What can you take from ...

Crowds 歌詞The Smile Case ※

Crowds Back on the bus I find a window seat and I pray that no one sits beside me. The big wheels turning, the motor roaring, the lights dim.

Crowds 歌詞WHITE ASH ※

Crowds 作詞:WHITE ASH 作曲:WHITE ASH fly amaze it crore vavry rough spin up and know feel in brender lonely estrad and me under graven me on the starnet ...


Crowds-歌詞- Fly amaze it crore vavry rough Spin up and know feel in brender lonely Estrad and me under graven me on the starnet Write the mea.

【不專業歌詞翻譯】Crowds(科學小飛俠Crowds OP)

2013年9月17日 — 【不專業歌詞翻譯】Crowds(科學小飛俠Crowds OP) · 〈Crowds〉 · into end aloud these sir prize on me · unders heavenly on the clone it · the ...

【歌詞翻譯練習】Insight(ガッチャマンCrowds Insight OP)

2017年2月28日 — 為日文翻譯的練習,翻譯內容包含很多主觀的想法及意見,所以歌詞請當參考就好。 歌名:Insight 作詞/作曲:WHITE ASH 主唱:WHITE ASH Come in, ...